Providing attendee value is critical when pulling all the pieces together for your upcoming virtual event. Whether it’s a Virtual Fundraising Gala, a Virtual Business Conference, or a fun Virtual Networking or Happy Hour event, always consider the attendee value at the beginning of your planning strategy session.
It’s hard to believe that we all have been in this virtual event space for the past ten months and have participated in some way, shape, or form in quite a few virtual events. Think about it for a minute, the ones that made us feel like we were all together again are the ones that gave us the most enjoyment, I’m sure, and those are the events that made attendee value a priority when the planning for those events began.
Here are a few things to consider when planning your next virtual event that I hope will help you keep the attendee value top of mind:
Screen Time: Consider how much time we spend on the computer these days; please don’t subject anyone to 2, 3, or 4 hours of content and expect them to stay tuned in; it’s just not going to happen.
Togetherness: The best virtual events are where we are watching alone, but we don’t feel alone. Build-in pieces of your virtual event that will allow your guests to feel like they are directly interacting with other guests; this builds a great deal of attendee value and fun.
Examples of ways to build in Attendee Value:
- Emcee: have an emcee welcome your guests as soon as they log on, and to encourage your guests to use the chat features, and be sure your emcee references the chats, so your guests know they are heard;
- Break-out Rooms: have a moderator manage the break-out rooms, so they can make sure everyone feels apart of the program and facilitate the conversations to keep them flowing;
- Fun: build in some fun trivia or have a dance or exercise break to get everyone moving together; your attendees will love this!
The overall goal is to think about the attendee value from the very beginning when mapping out your event and make sure you are tying in engagement opportunities between all of your guests for a memorable experience.
Happy planning, and let us know what you think about this article; please share your thoughts with us on our social media pages: facebook.com/Eventsny or instagram.com/EventsRemember or twitter.com/EventsRemember and shoot me an e-mail at EventsCJH@EventsRemember.com and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for additional resources www.EventsRemember.com.
Chereese Jervis-Hill, President & Founder
Events To Remember