Events To Remember + PR To Remember (ETR + PRTR), divisions of Events by Chereese, Inc., is celebrating 20 years in business providing event management, marketing, and public relations for clients across the New York tri-state area. In recognition of this milestone, ETR + PRTR is sending exclusive 20-year celebration boxes to a randomly selected group of 20 clients. The recipients of the 20-year celebration boxes will be selected via a drawing of names from a big glass bowl of all clients from the past twenty years from April 2, 2024 through April 21, 2024. This is ETR + PRTR’s way of saying thank you for your continued support and trust as they approach their 20th anniversary on April 21, 2024.
“I am extremely excited and proud to achieve 20 years in business,” said Chereese Jervis-Hill, CEO and Founder of Events To Remember + PR To Remember. “Entrepreneurship is a journey that is full of twists and turns like COVID-19 and the 2008 financial crisis, but one that I would not trade; I still love what I do! My entrepreneurial experiences have shaped me, and is one of the reasons I started my entrepreneur-focused podcast called Coffee with Cher, which connects and promotes entrepreneurs and serves as a resource for new entrepreneurs. We would not be here today if it weren’t for the clients we serve and the support of my team, who work hard each day to deliver quality services and further our client’s mission.”
In celebration of 20 years in business, ETR + PRTR has kicked off its “20 Days to 20 Years” campaign in the lead-up to its 20th Anniversary on April 21st. The campaign will involve a delightful surprise sending of a special 20th-year celebration box as a thank you to a selected current or past client over the past 20 years. This is ETR + PRTR’s way of showing appreciation for the trust and support shown to them over the past 20 years. Each day, the selected client will be shared on the ETR + PRTR Instagram story on social media: www.instagram.com/eventplannerny, and a special Coffee with Cher Podcast will be dedicated to the 20 Days to 20 Years, which can be found here: www.eventsremember.com/coffee-with-cher/. For more information about Events To Remember + PR To Remember, please visit www.eventsremember.com.
About Events To Remember + PR To Remember: Events To Remember + PR To Remember (ETR + PRTR) are divisions of Events by Chereese, Inc., an award-winning full-service event management and public relations firm specializing in conceptualizing, organizing, managing, marketing, and publicizing for a variety of events of large and small scale for corporate, not for profits, municipalities as well as helping organizations tell their story through mission-driven events, social media, digital marketing, and campaigns. ETR + PRTR serve as an Ambassador for The Business Council of Westchester, Mentor for Ossining Innovates entrepreneurial class, members of the New York/New Jersey Coalition of Live Events, the Public Relations Society of America, the Business Council of Westchester, the Hudson Valley, Rivertowns, and the NYC Women’s Chamber of Commerce.
ETR+ PRTR has been recognized by Westchester Magazine as The Best Event Planner in Westchester (BOW); selected by 914Inc. Magazine as one of the top Women in Business; selected by The Business Council of Westchester as one of their 40 under 40 Rising Stars for Westchester County, and are alumni of Leadership Westchester. Events by Chereese, Inc. is a Minority Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) and Certified Farmers Market Manager for the State of New York and has received the following awards: Business of the Year; Spirit of Caring Award, Chairman’s Award, Spirit of a Woman Empowerment Award, and the Community Women of the Year Award. For more information about Events To Remember + PR To Remember, please visit their website at www.eventsremember.com.